What is Epilepsy? Seizure types, symptoms, and treatment options for epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological condition characterized by unexplained, recurrent seizures. A seizure occurs when your brain experiences a sudden surge of abnormal electrical activity. The usual chemical and electrical interactions between brain cells (neurons or nerve cells) become disrupted in epilepsy; which is a chronic neurological condition. Seizures are brought on by this disruption, which leads to aberrant neuronal firing. Up to 500 times per second or much more than typical, neurons fire simultaneously during a seizure. Epilepsy can occur in both men and women consult with a doctor for epileptic seizures treatment in Jaipur Types of Epilepsy Seizure Generalized seizures They affect both sides of the brain. Generalized seizures are surges of aberrant nerve discharges that occur more or less simultaneously throughout the brain's cortex. The most frequent reason for this is an imbalance between the brain's "brakes" & (inhibitory circuits) and accelerator(exc...